As a published author, I wrote a book of spiritual reflections about simplicity in the gospels. Jesus Christ is our Redeemer and a man-God who promulgates simplicity over hypocrisy. To me, Jesus in the Eucharist is simplicity and truth since He offers me His being as the Christ who promised all those who follow Him His real and honest gift of himself as a reminder that He is always with us, with me, if we follow Him and His gospel. If we, in all simplicity and integrity, allow ourselves to participate in His giving of Himself in the Eucharist, we can touch eternity. To me, that is the greatest gift-offering ever given to humankind. When I think that my life means practically nothing to me and others, that I feel senseless and under-appreciated, I go and receive the sacred body of Christ who promised me in His own words that He is the living bread and that I will be able to touch and reach out to His sacred presence if only I trust in His gospel words that He is the way, the truth, and the light of all that truly matters to me. His presence is not hypocritical; it is not a sham nor a scam. It is real and simple with the simplicity of truth without blemish or cover-up. I know that Christ in the Eucharist is the greatest human and divine support and healing that I have access to. All it takes on my part is faith and love. I can at least offer that to Him who offers me the soothing serenity of Himself. I trust Jesus since he is truth itself in His simplicity and meaningful gesture of true love. To me, it's that simple. Truth is ever simple. So is love. The Eucharist tells me that and I believe it.
~Norman Beaupre
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